PACDEFF 2016 Registrations are Open
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Registrations for PACDEFF 2016 have now opened for delegates to register for the conference, social events and accommodation at the Stamford Grand Hotel in Glenelg.
By clicking on the ‘Registration’ button on the main menu above you will be redirected to the conference works website registration page for the combined PACDEFF and AAvPA conference.
Options available will include:
PACDEFF only registration (7-8 Nov) $295
Combined PACDEFF and AAvPA 4 day registration ($500 for AAvPA members, $600 for non-members)
Single day registrations at $150 per day
An off-site dinner excursion to Esca Restaurant at Glenelg marina (8 Nov) $82
An on-site conference dinner at the Stamford Grand (9 Nov) $76
Accommodation at the Stamford Grand Hotel, Glenelg ($180 per night)
Please note that speaker discounts are currently not being offered by AAvPA, who are running the financial side of the conference, but it is hoped that a discount will become available once all their major sponsors confirm. If that is the case then refunds will be made to any speakers who have registered already.
Keynote speakers have yet to be confirmed but we are anticipating that the keynotes for Days 1 and 2 will be Dr. Barbara Holder (ex. Human Factors specialist at Boeing, now with Honeywell), and Dr. Carl Macrae (Aviation Safety specialist). More information will be provided on the speaker list and program shortly.
Please note that a call for PACDEFF speakers and workshop hosts is now open as well. After registering please return to the PACDEFF website and register your interest in speaking via the ‘Contact Us’ Link on the main menu.
The combined conference this year will showcase not only the best of CRM and Aviation Human Factors with our PACDEFF traditional practitioner focus on Day 1 and 2, but will also allow delegates to gain wider exposure to research and discussion on Human Factors and Aviation Psychology topics. We would recommend that all PACDEFF delegates consider staying for the entire four day conference to gain the maximum benefit from such a concentrated mix of expertise and experience.
We look forward to seeing you in Adelaide in November.